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Reports until 18:24, Tuesday 02 October 2012
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:24, Tuesday 02 October 2012 - last comment - 18:07, Thursday 04 October 2012(4359)
Update of HXTS output compensation filters for all optics
As requested by Jeff K, I have updated the compensation filters for H1 HXTS suspensions. A similar update previously been carried out at LLO by Joe B (see LLO aLOG entry 4417). 

The process was first tested with the SR2 (HSTS) suspension, using the prepare script, located in "/ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/Common/MatlabTools/", with the following Matlab command:-


Updated foton filter files were then visible from the GDS_TP screen for h1sussr2. The "Coeff Load" button was selected to import the new filters. A cursory check over the medm screens indicated that new filters were in place (see note below).

This was then repeated for PR3 (HLTS), PR2, PRM, MC3, MC2, and MC1.

The process initially failed (hung-up) for MC2, as this was found to already have in existence h1susmc2.txt.bak and h1susmc2.bak.txt, which prevented the process from completing. Once these were deleted, prepare scripts could complete.  

N.B. it was observed that the following models did not contain any DAMP filters: SR2, PR3, PRM. I shall confirm if this is intended with Joe B or Jeff K.
Comments related to this report
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - 18:07, Thursday 04 October 2012 (4381)
Joe B informed us that the "Prepare.m" script did not currently populate the DAMP filter banks.

So I have manually copied and pasted via Foton the 'default' filter banks from the MC2 (HSTS) to SR2, SRM and PR3 (HLTS). 

During this process I also transferred over the normDOF calibration filter from the DAMP filter bank too, with the exception of PR3 given we have not yet calibrated a HLTS suspension.
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