Reports until 07:54, Wednesday 03 October 2012
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:54, Wednesday 03 October 2012 (4360)
WBSC8 Cartridge Ready for Extract
Thomas Vo and Bob Anderson reported yesterday to me that the ACB is down off the ISI.

Yesterday, SEI disconnected the ISI cables from the Feedthrus and secured them up above the ISI Stage0.  We also removed nearly 700lbs pulling the Keel Ballast Mass off along with the Stage1 Trim Mass.  The Mounting Pads are installed and torqued.  Also the Stage0/Support Tube bolts are all but a few removed and those are confirmed free and ready to easily extract.
We are ready to crane the Tri-Lift Spreader into position and connect up to the Cartridge.  We still need to fuss a bit with the sequencing of balancing the lift, lowering the cleanroom and positioning/opening covers.

Thanks to Jim and Mitchell and especially Jodi for helping securing, offloading, and wrapping up our goods.