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Reports until 08:14, Thursday 04 October 2012
rodica.martin@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:14, Thursday 04 October 2012 (4371)
H1 FI high power testing in PSL

Yesterday Cheryl and I started working on H1 Faraday high power testing in the PSL. We checked the alignment and mounted power meters for isolation, transmission and REFL measurements. We picked off about 1% of the transmitted beam for thermal lens measurements and placed several beam dumps to catch stray beams. 

Rick S and Michael R connected for us another high-power water-cooled power meter to a second chiller (thank you!). Cheryl mounted a beam block to catch the AR beam from the first IO mode matching lens to IMC (IO_MB_L1), which was previously resting on a dog clamp next to the EOM case.

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