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Reports until 10:39, Wednesday 29 August 2018
daniel.vander-hyde@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:39, Wednesday 29 August 2018 (43722)
ITMY and ETMY RH tests

Last night, the Hartmann team turned on the ring heaters on ITMY as well as ETMY. We set the ring heaters to half of a watt for 3 hours.

Based on the HWS ITMY prism trend data and gradient/contour plots (see attached), it appears that this Hartmann beam is well centered on ITMY. We could try to move a bit in pitch if needed. 

The HWS ETMY did not acquire useful Hartmann beam information due to the following error: "ERROR: array must not contain infs or NaNs - State 3D". This error usually occurs when the Hartmann code obtains reference centroids while the green beam saturates the camera.  It appears that the green beam was not shuttered during the measurement (see ETMY trend data attached) so this is mostly likely the case. Will try again tonight if commissioning permits. 

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