Reports until 13:27, Wednesday 29 August 2018
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:27, Wednesday 29 August 2018 - last comment - 14:53, Sunday 14 October 2018(43728)
Bounce Roll mode data - summary table

Following are the consolidated bounce (vertical) and roll modes measured in-vacuum and in-air for the 4 QUAD suspensions.

ITMX B4 mode VAC 9.787 AIR 9.806
  R4 mode alog 40098 13.902 alog 39236 13.927
ITMY B4 mode VAC 9.816 AIR 9.906
  R4 mode alog 40098 13.898 alog 38659 13.875
ETMY B4 mode VAC 9.726 AIR 9.734
  R4 mode alog 41488 13.788 alog 40534 13.843
ETMX B4 mode VAC 9.703 AIR 9.697
  R4 mode alog 40098 13.757 alog 42218 13.775


Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 14:48, Wednesday 29 August 2018 (43730)DetChar, ISC
Jeff Kissel likes this.

(Tagging DetChar and ISC.)
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 14:53, Sunday 14 October 2018 (44541)

Today I updated the monitor filters for these new frequencies.  Thanks Betsy for the nice table.  

We have seen a couple of locklosses because of a rung up bounce mode when doing our low noise asc steps, changing the coil drivers, and transitioning to the low noise ESD all in rapid sucsession.  The mode rings down very quickly, so we may just need to add a check on the monitor in some of these states and wait for the mode to ring down before we change the coil drivers.  

I also added a check on the monitor that includes all the bounce modes in LOWNOISE_ASC, so that the guardian won't move on unless the monitor is below 2 (in arbitrary logarithmic units).  The bounce mode wasn't rung up on our last lock, so we may still need to adjust the level of the check.