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Reports until 15:16, Thursday 04 October 2012
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:16, Thursday 04 October 2012 (4374)
BSC8 De-Install/BSC1 Install Prep
First thing this morning, the Apollo crew raised the chamber cleanroom back up to its usual working height and removed the lower portion of the leg jacks. Next, they craned the dome back over to the BSC. The walking plates were removed and the dome was re-installed with all bolts in place. Once the dome was in place, Thomas supervised the removal of ACB parts from the chamber to a large C-3 covered work table. The ACB parts were covered with C-3 and transported to the HAM cleanroom for dis-assembly. After much discussion, the BSC flooring was removed from the chamber, preserved clean, and transported to the HAM cleanroom for Wrap-Bag-Tag. The door was returned to the chamber. (Not bad for a day's work!)

While Mark L. was in-chamber to retrieve the BSC flooring, he surveyed the chamber bottom for detritus after the flooring was removed: this is our SOP when doing ICC. This chamber has the potential to be quite instructive WRT contamination issues because we have very sharp data points for length of exposure and type of activity. The highlights (or low-lights, as the case may be): two relatively large pieces of UHV foil, at least three human hairs, and lots of Al fines. See a few pix below.
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