Reports until 17:09, Thursday 04 October 2012
greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:09, Thursday 04 October 2012 - last comment - 16:29, Monday 08 October 2012(4378)
HAM1 HEPI Spring adjustment
After HAM1 needed a large  movement  to rectify some measurement issues the springs had come into hard contact with the side of the housing collar. I re-centered the springs and loaded the weight back to the previous values. This brought the support tubes to +- 25 thousandths of an inch. During the process of bringing the support tubes to nominal one of the springs started to bind, and after removing the nut one could see several demolished threads. Tyler G. expertly repaired them and I replaced the spring. 

The support tubes are now sitting within +- 5 thousandths although with the amount of activity around the dial indicators some of those values may be adulterated. After I locked the HEPI feet down I re-zeroed the dial indicators and hopefully placed them in better positions for when IAS can shoot the table.
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greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - 16:29, Monday 08 October 2012 (4398)
There was some concern about the threads of the spring. The threads were cleaned up on the lathe knocking out the material that had been deposited in the root of the thread. This added a bit of slop where some crests had been lost but I flipped the spring in the housing so the areas supporting the tension of the spring are on good threads. 
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