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Reports until 13:22, Saturday 06 October 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:22, Saturday 06 October 2012 (4395)
Added slow controls PEM channels with full loopback to H1 DAQ

While H2 DAQ was down today I copied the complete set of slow controls PEM minute trend data from H2 DAQ to H1 DAQ using the same procedure followed yesterday for VE and FMCS data.

The H1 DAQ was restarted, it is now serving the full look back of DUST and WEATHER data.

I put all the H1 and H2 DAQ hand edited configuration files into the cds_user_apps SVN repository under trunk/cds/h[1,2]/daqfiles

Files put under SVN

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.