Reports until 16:35, Tuesday 09 October 2012
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:35, Tuesday 09 October 2012 (4404)
AOSEM Noise Testing and Tuning
   We noise tested the 24 untested AOSEMs returned from LLO. Seven AOSEMs had lose circuit boards (positioning setscrews were backed off), which were corrected and tuned to >25k open light counts. The remaining 17 AOSEMs have open light counts over 20k counts. These will be tuned to >25k open light counts over the next few days. The open light tuning results will be sent to Stuart Aston at LLO. 

   The noise testing results are posted on the DCC under E1101030, with the individual plots found in S1203453 through S1203476.