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Reports until 12:42, Tuesday 02 October 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:42, Tuesday 02 October 2012 - last comment - 20:20, Tuesday 09 October 2012(4351)
MC3 Y-V-T cross coupling - more Phase 2a testing

We resumed analysis of MC3 Phase 2a data taken Sept 27 and found that now the sus ails from pretty severe yaw to vertical and transverse coupling.  Travis eye-balled the suspesnion and sees that it is not well aligned in Yaw.  Note, the alignment procedure during the build phase of HXTSes is all done "by eye".  I think we possibly have been aligning suspensions to the crocked side flag mount (a recent discovery).

Note to self, our recent issues with processing the plothsts_dtttfs.m script was due to file naming convention.  Watch for dash and underscore locations in the name!

Comments related to this report
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - 13:39, Tuesday 02 October 2012 (4352)
Attached are the most recent M1-M1 TFs for MC3 (see 2012-09-27_0400_H1SUSMC3_M1_ALL_TFs.pdf).

These Phase 2a measurements can be compared to the equivalent Phase 1b measurements obtained for MC3 (see allhstss_2012_10_02_Phase2a_MC3_ALL_ZOOMED_TFs.pdf)
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stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - 20:20, Tuesday 09 October 2012 (4407)
The most recent MC3 TFs taken at the end of last week (2012−10−05). 

Following some re-aliment and tweaking of the tablecloth, the cross-couplings visible in the TFs are identical to how they appeared the week before (2012−09−27). 
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