Reports until 20:24, Tuesday 09 October 2012
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:24, Tuesday 09 October 2012 (4408)
H1 Faraday Isolator - High Power Testing
- Rodica, Cheryl

Testing of the FI started last Thursday, with increasing power to the IO optics on the PSL, and then increasing power through the FI.  Currently, we are running high-power tests, to measure thermal lensing with and without the DKDP ( thermal lens compensator).  In this process, we increased the power in steps, and located ghost beams in the IO path and through the FI path.  With these dumped, we proceeded to high power tests putting 140W through the IO path and FI.  Some clipping was found and corrected, however we see evidence of clipping in the beam downstream of the EOM, as measured with the beam scan.  Thermal lens measurements without the DKDP look as expected.