Reports until 16:46, Thursday 11 October 2012
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:46, Thursday 11 October 2012 (4424)
WHAM1 HEPI Actuators -- Install/Attach Complete; Level; ISC has now.
We finally got those Actuators attached.  A primary problem was the greater than expected compression of the Viton Cork Spring.  This required an unusual lift of the HEPIs to bring the Optical Table to elevation.  This ran the Horizontal Angle Mount to the limit of its slots and made attachment painful. In two cases we had to remove some material to allow bolt up.
After the Actuators we had the Cleaning Crew give things a good wipe down--thanks Cris & Karen!

Jason was at the ready then and measured position as reported below.

We followed that with an level/elevation check: -200.4mm Gz(0.4mm low) and level +-0.1mm

Keita Lisa & Matt then went in to add ISC things.

After they are done, before we do anything else, we'll need to check the level/elevation and adjust the payload accordingly.