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Reports until 08:07, Tuesday 02 October 2018
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:07, Tuesday 02 October 2018 (44277)
New Notches in Beam Splitter SUS -- Accepted into SDF
J. Kissel

Reconciling SDFs this morning, in prep for what will likely be an entire world reboot, given the apparent dolphin crash last night, I've found that someone has installed notches in the H1 SUS BS M3 ISCINF P and Y banks for 19.1 and 23.1 Hz. The dynamical model says that the beam splitter's highest vertical (a.k.a. V3, "bounce") and roll (R3) modes should be at 17.54 and 25.74 Hz, some previous aLOGs quote them at 17.7 & 25.7 Hz LHO aLOG 28470, so I'm quite surprised to see these 2 Hz away from the expected frequency, but so be it.

These filters have been ON since Fri Sep 28 2018. I couldn't find a corresponding aLOG.

I've accepted these filters as "ON" in FMs 2 and 3, called "not19.1" and "not23.1" with the following design strings:
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