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Reports until 12:52, Wednesday 03 October 2018
H1 CAL (DetChar, ISC)
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:52, Wednesday 03 October 2018 (44319)
Upgrades to CAL-CS model in Prep for Compensating Time-Dependent Response Function
J. Kissel, E. Goetz

Evan and I are working on implementing time-dependent corrections to DELTAL EXTERNAL in prep for O3 (hoping to get it installed by ER13 in "mid November" for us to debug and get used too prior to O3). We've not installed anything yet, we're only slowly but carefully walking through the CAL-CS front-end model. For an incremental progress update, check out the presentation I gave on the CAL call today G1801594 (-v2 attached here for your convenience), and associated technical note T1700106.

A lot of this work is Evan and I putting together the pieces that Joe and company spent the summer R&D'ing, and so I've necessarily updated the following building blocks for this upgrade:
/opt/rtcds/userapps/release/cds/common/src$ svn st -u
        *    16671   RAMP_VALUE.c
        *    16671   BUFFER_AND_MEDIAN.c
        *            COH_GATE.c
        *            SINGLE_POLE_ZERO.c
        *            LARGE_BUFFER_AND_AVERAGE.c
        *    16671   .
Status against revision:  17883

/opt/rtcds/userapps/release/cal/common/models$ svn st -u
        *    16661   CAL_CS_MASTER.mdl
        *    16661   CAL_LINE_MONITOR_MASTER.mdl
Status against revision:  17883

The goal is to complete the drawing and compile the model in the remainder of this week, in hopes that we can install and start to commission all of the new infrastructure "pipes" next week.
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