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Reports until 16:04, Friday 12 October 2012
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:04, Friday 12 October 2012 (4433)
HAM3-ISI - Lockers/CPS adjustments

JimW, MitchR, HugoP,

The horizontal position of the lockers was adjusted.
The 0 of the horizontal CPS was set on the new locked position. 
The shift on the CPS between the locked and unlocked configurations is within +/-600cts on each sensor.

Since this preparatory work just ended, we did not have the time to run a full-range transfer function measurement while attending it. Hence, no actuation will be performed over the weekend.

The ISI was left locked so JeffB could get in and release the optics of MC2 and PR2 before the weekend, as he requested.

We will look at the level of the ISI on Monday. 

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.