Reports until 18:31, Friday 12 October 2012
keith.riles@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:31, Friday 12 October 2012 (4437)
Comparison of OAT spectra from late August to Sept 7 and Sept 13
Following up on the earlier post 4327 concerning H2 OAT line studies, I am attaching additional slides
containing plots and tables that compare the OAT spectrum from August 28 (focus of last report)
with spectra on Sept 7 (generally quieter with fewer combs) and on Sept 13 when the aLIGO PSL
was being used for the ALS reference. The spectrum on Sept 13 has a higher noise floor, more lines
and stronger lines in many cases. In addition, a number of combs observed on August 28 moved
slightly in fundamental frequency by Sept 7 and moved again by Sept 14. See slides for details.
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