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Reports until 21:19, Tuesday 09 October 2018
aaron.viets@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:19, Tuesday 09 October 2018 - last comment - 09:08, Wednesday 10 October 2018(44454)
LHO gstlal calibration pipeline restart

[M. Wade, A. Viets]

I restarted the primary and redundant calibration pipelines on DMT0 and DMT2 at roughly GPS second 1223179096. This restart was necessary because of a change in channel names in the raw frames. The EPICS channels (which contain reference values needed to compute time-dependent correction factors) were renamed.

In order for data flow to be restored, the LHO_DMTDQ process needs to be restarted as well. None of the the kappas are being computed, so these channels which are usually present are not there:

For now, it is not possible to compute the time-dependent correction factors (kappas), so the pipeline was restarted with the calculations turned off. A few updates will be necessary in order to resume calculating the kappas:

Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 09:08, Wednesday 10 October 2018 (44457)
All -- this is expected from Evan and my work today. We're not yet finished, and will continue to work with getting the front-end infrastructure functional, and then start to recover these down-stream products.

Thank y'all for your patience!
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