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Reports until 16:33, Tuesday 16 October 2012
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:33, Tuesday 16 October 2012 (4455)
HAM3-ISI - New medm screens for payload (SUS) monitoring

JimB, DaveB, HugoP,

HAM3-ISI used to have temporary medm screens for payload state monitoring. We rebuilt the HAM3-ISI model with a call for the create_hamisi_payload post-build script. This script automatically creates unit-specific medm screens for payload state monitoring. The call for create_hamisi_payload was set in the block properties of the HAM3_PAYLOAD block, in the simulink model of HAM3-ISI (see attachement #1).

We did the same for HAM2-ISI.

make install would then return an error due to issues with CDS. These issues were corrected.

I updated the HAM-ISI overview screen so it automatically points to the new payload screens. The unit-specific payload monitoring screens now work for both HAM2-ISI and HAM3-ISI (see attachement #2)

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