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Reports until 16:23, Wednesday 17 October 2012
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:23, Wednesday 17 October 2012 (4467)
Mark B.

After Filiberto and Betsy had poked around on MC3, Betsy was able to start a yaw TF with DTT and see coherence, so the electronics is better off than it was.

To see where we're not at, I started a suite of Matlab TFs at about 16:20 and will check on it from home tonight.

As of 10:35, the measurement has failed twice with the USER DACKILL (but not the WATCHDOG) tripping. Trying one more timeā€¦

USER DACKILL found tripped at 06:35, after end of third attempt - giving up for now.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.