Reports until 12:30, Thursday 18 October 2012
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:30, Thursday 18 October 2012 (4478)
WHAM2 Post HEPI Actuator install Survey Results
After completing the HEPI Actuator attachment yesterday, the doors have been pulled this morning and elevation surveys have been run:

NE    SE    SW     NW      Notes
-2    -5     +5     +2      Stage0 mils(.001") 
-.7   -.7    -.4    -.5     Optical Table (Stage1) Unlocked mm wrt nominal elevation
-.5   -.5    -.3    -.4     Optical Table ISI Locked mm wrt Target Elevation

We mull over these numbers to see if we need to do anything.  Remember, these may change after we exchange dummy payload for Suspensions...