Reports until 14:32, Thursday 18 October 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:32, Thursday 18 October 2012 - last comment - 22:20, Thursday 18 October 2012(4480)
More MC3 cable issue hunting, some user error

Betsy and Filiberto

Although I saw some coherence yesterday after we continued our excitation hunt yesterday, it was likely only on DOF signals with large T1 and T2 OSEM drives.  The excitation problem  continued even though Mark reported that I had reported things looked improved in his alog yesterday.  Yesterday, I also found that the quadrapuss which was switched into this supension last week was broken - one of the legs had  a band-it come loose.  I took that cable out and plugged back in the original quadrapuss.  Filiberto and I traced the in-vacuum to in-air cables up to the satellite box and confirmed we had good signal via inputting offsets in the coil_out channels.  After that I sat back down to DTT.  I then noticed that the template I had been using for diagnostics had incorrect units causing the trace to look funny.  Quick TFs NOW appear to look normal.  So, between Filiberto fixing swapped binary cables, the ADC board swap, the errant quadrapuss swap, and improper plotting of the TF data, MC3 looks to be healthy again.

Side note - after I saw that things looked much better, I switched out the moth-contaminated MC1/MC3 shared quadrapuss cable and tweeked centering of top BOSEMs on both suspensions.

We are ready (again) for Phase 2a TFs on MC3 and Phase 2b TFs on MC1.

Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 22:20, Thursday 18 October 2012 (4486)

One would think that I could spell "suspension".