Reports until 16:53, Thursday 18 October 2012
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:53, Thursday 18 October 2012 - last comment - 11:24, Friday 19 October 2012(4484)
MC1 and MC3 TFs
Mark B.

Started TFs concurrently on both MC1 and MC3 at 16:50. Will monitor from home tonight.

At 22:30, MC1 had finished undamped TFs and was making good progress on damped TFs, but MC3 had tripped (just) the USER DACKILL again and I aborted the script.
Comments related to this report
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 11:24, Friday 19 October 2012 (4488)
Mark B.

The MC1 damped TFs ( 2012-10-18_1034657071 ) look good, but the undamped ones ( 2012-10-18_1034640174 ) turn out to have dropouts in various bands. The watchdog thresholds and drive levels are the same for both, and Jeff K has pointed out that there is watchdog reset code in collect_schroeder_TF_v9DQ() so they're probably tripping at similar points and MC3 getting stuck is a failure to reset the USER DACKILL after both the main watchdog and it have tripped. Debugging is ongoing.
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