Reports until 18:58, Monday 05 November 2018
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:58, Monday 05 November 2018 (45035)
SRCL and MICH OLG in nominal low-noise
We measured the SRCL OLG in nominal now-noise and found it at 20Hz, with plenty of phase margin. We lowered it by 3dB ( H1:LSC-SRCL1_GAIN = -8.8 ), to 15Hz, which seemed to help DARM at 30Hz.

We also looked at MICH - it currently has a 6Hz UGF. Attached is a OLG measurement, but I am not sure I trust the phase at 6Hz. Craig and SHJeila are now working on MICH FF, which currently is worse than O2, and limiting DARM.
Images attached to this report