Reports until 16:04, Tuesday 23 October 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:04, Tuesday 23 October 2012 (4506)
MC3 optic continues to hang with large pitch error

In my earlier alog, I reported that the MC3 optic hangs with a large pitch.  And, I had also reported that the suspension had minimal pitch error during the metal hang last week, so the pitch error was either from the prism placement on the optic or the new wire loop.  Today, Andres provided us with another fresh wire loop which we installed - and we still see the large pitch error.  With a fine scaled metric ruler we see that the right front prism notch is sitting 32.0mm (+/-0.25mm) away from the HR surface of the IMCF06, while the left front notch is at 34.25mm from the HR surface.  These numbers should be the same.  We're bantering with Mark and Kissel now  - we'll likely moke for more measurements and try a few adjustments tomorrow, but...  ugh.