Reports until 16:37, Wednesday 24 October 2012
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:37, Wednesday 24 October 2012 (4519)
SR3 (HLTS) digital system configuration in preparation for Phase 1b testing
[Stuart A, Jeff B]

Jeff was experiencing problems with tripping watchdogs on SR3. I logged-on remotely and noted that damping loops would not close, thus indicating a sign related issue. This was due to the incorrect sign being present in the COIL OUTPUT FILTERS, given that HLTS suspensions have their SD BOSEM mounted on the opposite side of the structure when compared to a HSTS. The SD BOSEM sign was switched from -1 to +1.     

I noted that the OSEM2EUL & EUL2OSEM matrices contained elements pertaining to a HSTS rather than a HSTS, so I corrected them.

I also noted that DAMP FILTER gains were configured for a HSTS rather than a HLTS, so I updated them to be consistent with the LLO PR3 suspension.

Following the changes noted above, damping loops could successfully be closed on SR3.

Jeff is now making a new BURT snapshot of this configuration and intends to run damped and undamped Matlab TFs overnight.