Reports until 22:06, Wednesday 24 October 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:06, Wednesday 24 October 2012 (4522)
H2 SUS/SEI System Infrastructure Updated as per T1200478
J. Kissel, V. Lhullier, D. Barker, J. Batch

Though we were not as successful as hoped due to (re)discovering that RFM IPC receiving is computationally expensive (see LHO aLOGs 4499, 4511, and 4521), Vincent and I did manage to complete all other H2 BSC-ISI and SUS models and MEDM screens described in T1200478. Really. it's ONLY ETMY and TMSY that cannot communicate with BSC6-ISI, all other changes were successfully and relatively smoothly installed. I updated the TMSY infrastructure as well, as it used several library parts common to the QUADs and BSFMs. All corresponding changes to SUS- ETMY, ITMY, FMY, and TMSY common screens, top-level models, and bug fixes to common model parts have been committed to the userapps repo as of this entry. The BSC6 SUSs have been left with TOP stage damping loops ON (ITMY for FMY [H1BS] are not plugged in).

Though the infrastructure is now in place, there's still plenty of work to do on the SUS side of things:
- Pending Dave and Jim getting an independent dolphin network set up at the end station, we'll get the TMSY and ETMY ISI witness paths turned on
- Installing values into the new infrastructure
     - 4k to 16k AI filter for ISIWIT path
     - Calibration filter for ISIWIT path
     - CART2EUL matrix elements for ISIWIT path
     - OPTICALIGN offset calibration gains
     - EUL2CART matrix elements for OFFLOAD path (ETMY only)
     - 16k to 4k AA filter for OFFLOAD path (ETMY only)
     - 2k to 16k AI filter for ISCINF ASC P and Y signals (ETMY only)
- Start using calibrated sensor path, as has been done with L1 HSTSs
     - turn on "to_nm" or "to_um" filters in OSEMINF bank
     - compensate for calibration in DAMP bank

Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion!