Reports until 11:05, Friday 26 October 2012
H1 SEI - posted 11:05, Friday 26 October 2012 - last comment - 11:05, Friday 26 October 2012(4534)
HAM3-ISI - Commissioning Work

I tested different configurations of blend and isolation filters. To do so, I looked at the GS13 input in cartesian basis in the following configurations:

The blend filters used are the generic ("old" version) blend filters from SVN revision 6036.

Spectra are attached. Damping + Blend 500mHz + ISO level 1 et Damping + Blend 500mHz + ISO level 2  are not displayed to keep the plot readable. They are however saved under DTT.

I used the command window to switch between states. The Watchdogs (ISI,SUS,IOP) did not trip. Damping + Blend 250mHz + ISO level 2 was on for a couple hours without any WD trip. I then tested other configurations.


Comments on performace:

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Comments related to this report - 10:57, Friday 26 October 2012 (4535)

Damping + Blend 250mHz + ISO level 2 is currently running on HAM3-ISI