Reports until 15:32, Friday 26 October 2012
H1 General
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:32, Friday 26 October 2012 (4537)
Multiple lost connection alarms at 3 minutes after the hour.
At 8:03AM today, the IOP watchdog tripped, and I saw connection error messages in the alarm handler.  I talked to JeffK and we cleared all alarms, and at 9:03AM, I got another round of alarms, but nothing tripped.

At 10:03AM, I got connection alarms for the ITM.  Now it's in a funny state for work, however, the alarm was exactly at 10:03AM, so suspicious.

Alarms again at 1:03PM, 2:03PM, 3:03PM.

Emailed DaveB and RichardM, and Operators (to give them a heads up).  
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