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Reports until 16:02, Tuesday 30 October 2012
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:02, Tuesday 30 October 2012 (4558)
ITMy work for today

Today I continued poking at ITMy to address a couple of minor issues on our way to final alignment.  First, I replaced a wonky flag mount for the R0 Side BOSEM (poor pressfit of magnetic disc not allowing flag magnet to seat squarely).  I then adjusted the tablecloth to get it back to a more 'nominal' state where the BOSEM cams still have effective adjustment left.  I then continued with the Test Mass pointing.  I adjusted yaw of M0 by using some slop in the fixing screws for the suspension wire clamp at the Top Stage blades.  I also adjusted some more pitch out using the UIM pitch adjusters.  (Reminder at Betsy's request:  The UIM pitch adjusters have an effect of ~200µRad per full turn of each adjuster.)  The resulting measurement by IAS left ITM at:

Pitch: ~5µRad up

Yaw: ~1.04mRad CW (previously ~185µRad CCW)

Although I overshot, I now know that we have plenty of easy-to-use yaw adjustment at the wire clamp to fix the yaw error.  This work will continue tomorrow.  I then solicited Mark to run some quick TFs to check for rubbing before we get too carried away with fine alignment.

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