Reports until 15:35, Wednesday 31 October 2012
jaclyn.sanders@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:35, Wednesday 31 October 2012 (4567)
Cabling corrections for IMC electronics (Jax, Kiwamu)

Over the past few days, we've been checking the cabling between the IMC electronics on ISC R1 and the EtherCAT CM Chassis.

Note: When I refer to slot numbers, I am using the convention used in D1001460. The racks on the floor are numbered using the opposite convention. After discussing with Filiberto, I have decided to relabel these racks later this week.

The relevant changes are between the VCOs and on the Mode Cleaner Servo.

Cable ISC_28 was attached to 79.4 MHz PSL VCO in slots 23-24, and was moved to its correct location at the 79.4 MHz ALS VCO in slots 32-33. The 79.4 MHz PSL VCO is intended to be attached to cable ISC_2. This cable is the wrong gender and will be changed in the near future. 

The mode cleaner servo had Cable ISC_6 in Controls 1, and Cable ISC_5 in Controls 2. The cable pull table did not make a distinction between Controls 1 and Controls 2 for this cabling. After checking the pinouts and cabling, I determined that cable ISC_5 needed to be in Controls 1, and cable ISC_6 needed to be in Controls 2. I made the change today.