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Reports until 18:28, Wednesday 31 October 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:28, Wednesday 31 October 2012 - last comment - 18:30, Wednesday 31 October 2012(4569)
EY transition to H1, day two summary

Today is day 2 of the EY conversion from H2 to H1. We are pretty much done, just a few mopping up tasks remain.

I redesigned the IOP SUS watchdog screens now that H1 has more of them, making the default screen an overview and creating a separate detailed screen per Seismic system which can be disabled by its attached SUS systems. So for example SEIH23 gets a screen, as does ETMY.

I tested the IOP watchdog at EY, and then Vern and Jim went out to EY just after lunch time and energized the EY coil drivers and removed their tags.

Jim booted the Hartmann Wavefront Sensor slow controls computer and renamed it h1hwsey giving it its new IP address. We are working with Aidan on getting the HWS EPICS channels renamed. Jim also relabeled the EY computers with their H1 names.

Jim converted most of the control room workstations to H1, including the main operator station. We are keeping two workstations as H2 machines for LVEA Test Stand work.

The Beckhoff slow controls computer h2ecatey was transitioned to h1ecatey by Patrick (name and IP change). He converted all the Beckhoff EPICS records' names from H2 to H1.

I redesigned the H1 MEDM sitemap to add the EY systems. Some linked screens still need to be converted to H1.

We did not get around to damping the EY optics, so for tonight I have manually tripped the IOP watchdogs to disable the DAC outputs.

At 14:31 local, we powered up the h1lscl0 front end and it mysteriously Dolphin glitched the H1 corner station front ends. All HAM SUS and HEPI systems crashed, but the ISI systems did not. The only systems which were being used at the time were SUS MC2 and PR2. We could not reproduce this error by repeating the power up the lsc front end, so we restarted all the crashed models.

Still to be done:

Comments related to this report
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - 18:30, Wednesday 31 October 2012 (4570)


All the new H1 front end models, safe.snap EPICS files and MEDM changes were checked into SVN today.

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