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Reports until 12:07, Thursday 01 November 2012
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:07, Thursday 01 November 2012 - last comment - 15:50, Thursday 01 November 2012(4575)
Beckhoff at end Y
I encountered some problems yesterday in moving the Beckhoff system at end Y from H2 to H1. The links were lost when I did a global search and replace in the PLC code to change H2 to H1. It is now running with H1 EPICS channel names, but as a temporary hack. The internal variables are still running as H2, I just changed the names to H1 in the EPICS database records. I will try doing a more selective search and replace and see if the links are still lost.

I also had to remove ONAM and ZNAM fields from a long record type. This will have to be fixed in the Beckhoff code, I believe in one of the libraries.
Comments related to this report
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - 15:50, Thursday 01 November 2012 (4576)
I believe I have fixed the problem with losing most of the linking. It does appear to have been the global search and replace. The fields for the long record type still need to be fixed in the picomotor library however.
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