I was skeptical about the SRCL noise in the noise budget, so I checked it again. I think it is pretty close.
Its a simple method, but should be accurate. SRCL_FF left on in the Guardian set state in NLN.
From this exercise I get the attached plot. Looks like its very close in the 40-90 Hz band. Options:
Why does this look so different than the SRCL contribution in the noise budget in entry 45169 , which was made just after the SRCL and MICH feed-forward was improved? In that NB the SRCL noise goes below 1e-21 strain/rtHz just above 70 Hz, while in this one that doesn't happen until 300 Hz. Has something in SRCL changed (loop gain, filters?) or is the Nov 9 NB thought to be in error?
This is consistent with the BruCo projection based on coherence between DARM and SRCL. See https://alog.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLOG/index.php?callRep=45782
And also consistent with the level of cancelation you can get by linear noise subtraction ( will post more later on this)
On Saturday night the DARM offset was changed and the SRCL FF wasn't re-tuned, so you would not expect this to match the noise budget. I don't know if these changes were in place last night.
The DARM offset during this measurement was 18.3 cts (~12 pm), giving 20 mA (23.8 mW) of power on the OMC DCPD SUM channel. Guardian is the one who controls the DARM offset during the INCREASE_POWER and ADJUST_POWER state, so it always sets it to whatever gives 20 mA on the DCPDs. It's possible the SRCLFF needs to be retuned after the vent. However, I doubt it will improve the SRCL to DARM by more than a factor of 2 or so (i.e. our current SRCLFF is decent).
Here is a noise budget where only the SRCL noise is updated, taken today. (With 20mA DCPD sum at 20 W input power). The SRCL FF hasn't been returned since the TCS changes, that seems to explain the larger coupling.