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Reports until 13:25, Friday 02 November 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:25, Friday 02 November 2012 (4583)
ESD connections removed from ITMy CP

Gerardo, Betsy, Norna

This morning, after consulting Margot (who had just performed this procedure at LLO with the crew on their ITMy), we removed the CP from the ITMy suspension and removed the pyrolux/flexi-curcuit ESD connections from it's 12 o'clock position.  We used the ergo arm to retrieve the optic from the ITMy sus still mounted to the BSC1 ISI on the test stand.  We then moved the CP to a v-block on a small mobile optics table.  Using a CLASS A razor blade we slowly peeled the flexicurcuit off of the pyralux "glue layer" and then worked that layer off in the same fashion.  We then rotated the CP 180deg, while still on the ergo arm, and stuffed it back into the suspension.  By eye, the mass seemed to hang with minimal pitch/yaw/position error after rehanging the mass in the reaction chain.  Back to IAS and testing now...

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