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Reports until 15:28, Friday 02 November 2012
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:28, Friday 02 November 2012 (4587)
Change on the EPICS server for IMC-related slow controls

[Patrick / Kiwamu]

We made some changes in the EPICS server script and database file for a slow digital process (PLC2 on H2ECATC1) to broadcast the EPICS values associated with the IMC control.

Yesterday we took a look at the OPC and EPICS servers on H1ECATC1 because the EPICS values had not been available. H1ECATC1 contains two PLCs (called PCL1 and PLC2) and the database file of both of them should be passed to the EPICS server. It turned out that the lines for PLC2, which takes care of the IMC servo and some others, were commented out in the EPICS startup script called st.cmd. We released the commented lines so that both PLC1.db and PLC2.db are loaded. However running the startup script then gave endless warning messages.

To make the situation simpler, we temporarily split the startup script into two pieces - one for PLC1 and the other for the IMC servo (which is a part of PLC2). They are called PLC1_st.cmd and PLC2_st.cmd respectively and each has a dedicated bat file. Also we made a database file which contains only IMC servo parts by copying the corresponding lines from the existing PLC2.db. This file is currenlty named as PLC2_IMC_REFL_SERVO.db

We ran both scripts to activeate two EPICS servers and they seemed running fine so far. So we are now able to see the EPICS values associated with the IMC servo board from an MEDM screen, which is good.

We need to further investigate why we got the numerous warning messages and how we solve it at some point.

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