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Reports until 11:09, Wednesday 12 December 2018
terry.mcrae@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:09, Wednesday 12 December 2018 - last comment - 17:57, Wednesday 12 December 2018(45871)
AOM in green (pump) path

After some failed attempts to install a noise eater: 

we have now installed a 532 nm 200 MHz AOM from MIT.

Beam profile after this AOM looks fine (attached) with ~45 mW input power. The green pump fiber had to be realigned and again has 83+/-2% coupling efficiency to the patch panel on ISCT6 (so this fiber is fine).

However the power to SQZT6 has dropped recently and is still low, but is clearly not due to any failure of the fibre between the Green input coupler on ISCT6 and the patch-panel on ISCT6. Nutsinee will add a post with more information on this. 

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Comments related to this report
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - 17:57, Wednesday 12 December 2018 (45883)

The frequency synthesizer doesn't have enough power to get enough diffraction power, so I added a ZHL-1A Mini-Circuits amplifier. The settings on the ifr are 200MHz/0dBm for the carrier with an external AM modulation at 50% bias. Since the CM board for the OPO isn't used at the moment, we connected the first input the to DC monitor of the OPO REFL diode, the second input is connected to a DAC channel (OPO_EXC) with a 100Hz low pass. The later provides a DC bias to set the requested power level. The fast output is then connected to the modulation input of the frequency synthesizer with a 450Ohm series resistor (which forms a 1:10 divider together with the 50Ohm input). The bandwidth of the AM modulation input of the ifr is about 30kHz. However, we measured a significant phase lag which will limit the ugf to less than 20kHz.

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