Reports until 12:56, Wednesday 12 December 2018
sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:56, Wednesday 12 December 2018 (45876)
Pcal Work at Y-End

SudarshanK, RickS, NikoL, JeffK


We were planning to do a calibration measurement at ENDY yesterday (2018/10/11) but were not able to complete it because we used all of the allocated time implementing some planned changes and dealing with some unforeseen technical difficulties. We will go back to ENDY Thursday morning to get the calibration done.


    -  Inspected optics, beam centering, cleanliness look okay

    - New system to capture beam pointing has not been set up in TX

    - Changed RxPD port adapter  to new one (D1300106-v4), with loctite (S/N 016)

    - Changed TxPD port adapter to new one, with loctite (S/N process of elimination)

    - Removed shutter after it was unresponsive and is in the electronics lab for repair.

    - Bring blue box for next calibration because we were not able to use WSPD Mon channel on the Pcal interface because of differential output. 

   - We populated the Pcal MEDM screen to convert the Pcal signals from counts to Volts.