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Reports until 15:40, Friday 02 November 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:40, Friday 02 November 2012 (4588)
h1seih23 DAC problems following power up of h1lsc0

Late report from Wed/Thursday.

We have been noticing that when the 2-RFM systems h1lscl0 and h1oaf0 were powered up they crash all systems on the Dolphin network. On wed h1lsc0 was powered up for the very first time all SUS and HPI models crashed. The IOP models and ISI models time gliched. I diag reset runing models and restarted crashed models. Later Hugo noticed that the DAC drives for h1isiham3 were randomized and we could only recover by power cycling the h1seih23 IO Chassis (unplugging the DC power cord).

Today we got the same initial problem by powering up h1oat0. This time all user models crashed including ISI. We were careful to restart all models this time, including IOP models.

We correctly powered down h1oaf0 by first removing it from the Dolphin network, yet when we powered it up we once again crashed all Dolphin connected models. We are seeing a pattern here. Again we restarted all models (IOP and User). Hugo reported that the DAC channels for h1isiham3, h1susmc2 and h1suspr2 seem to be working (i.e. we cannot reproduce the DAC channels randomized problem).

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