h1omcpi and h1omc were changed and compiled but not installed (that's for Tuesday).
In h1omcpi, a decimation filter was put between the drumhead mode RMS (64kHz) and shared memory as the omc model works at 16kHz.
Alignment dither oscillators are common for deacon and normal dither. An input matrix is used for selecting the source of demod. This makes it cumbersome to switch between low frequency dither for deacon and high frequency dither for normal dither, but once deacon works it won't be an issue.
For now demod matrix is set up to use old dither (H1:OMC-ASC_DEMODMAT_1_1=0, H1:OMC-ASC_DEMODMAT_1_2=1).
Assuming that deacon needs dithering on the order of Hz, I put a 3rd order Butterworth LP at 0.1Hz for power normalization.
For passing drumhead RMS from 64kHz to 16kHz frontend, I used an equivalent of x4 decimation filter in T1600059 (but the data rate is 64kHz), in this case ellip("LowPass",6,0.3,60,7372.8).
I've populated the control filters in OMC_CUST_DRUMHEAD_EXC with bandpasses around each drumhead mode (I've not set up any of the other control filters). I also cleaned up that medm screen a bit so that drives now go to all test masses correctly. In the main PI screen, I've allocated and set up the 8th downconversion and upconversion blocks for these drumheads. If I populate the BEACON_DRIVE_MTRX, I see signal in the PI drive channels, but I haven't tested beyond that yet.
Modes are: ITMX 8156.7 (A), ITMY 8163 (B), ETMX 8158.6 (C), ETMY 8153.5 (D)