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Reports until 06:44, Monday 05 November 2012
rodica.martin@LIGO.ORG - posted 06:44, Monday 05 November 2012 (4594)
IO-H1 Faraday ready to install

Cheryl, Paul, Rodica

On Friday we installed the 3.5 mm thick DKDP and finished the characterization of the H1 Faraday isolator.

Its performance is:

Isolation: >30 dB for powers below 80 W, ~28 dB for powers as high as 140 W

Forward Extinction: >30 dB over the entire power range

Transmission: ~98%

Thermal lensing: Average f = -67 m, determining >99% mode matching

Beam Quality:  - small deviation from gaussian for x and y profiles at 140 W, but notably elliptical. Profiles and intensity maps attached.

Surface quality of DKDP was good. Cheryl took IR pictures under exposure to 140 W laser power.

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