Reports until 17:34, Tuesday 06 November 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:34, Tuesday 06 November 2012 (4614)
H2 almost gone

Dave, Jim and Vincent

We spent today removing the last of the H2 front ends from the LVEA and moving them over to H1.

The H2 front ends h2susb478, h2susb78, h2susauxb478, h2seib8 were powered down (h2tcsl0 having been already removed from H2). Jim rerouted the fibre connection to the FE and DAQ switches in the LVEA to the H1 switches in the MSR via the H2 EE building patch panel. These switches were then reconfigured to serve H1 VLANS. DHCP and DNS changes to boot the three frontends to support the Test Stands.

The IOP models were transitioned from H2 to H1, and the front ends were booted in the new H1 guises.

h2 name h2 dcuid h1name h1dcuid
h2iopsusb478 28 h1iopsusquadtst 71
h2susitmy 30 h1susquadtst 72
h2iopsusb78 117 h1susquadtst 76
h2susfmy 119 h1susbstst 77
h2iopseib8 73 h1iopseitst 66
h2isitst 76 h1isitst 67

The ITMY system is now called QUADTST, the FMY system is now called BSTST.

The user models were transitioned, both for IFO (H2 to H1) and for OPTIC (ITMY,FMY to QUADTST,BSTST). Most Dolphin IPC were removed from the models, with the exception of the SUS WD status to the ISI, and the IOP Watchdog system.

The safe.snap files for these models were changed to H1 (Vincent did ISI). All the filterfiles were changed to H1 (Vincent did ISI).

MEDM screens were changed, links from sitemaps were changed.

Old system were removed from H2DAQ and added to H1DAQ. H1DAQ frame size increased from 182MB to 203GB.

simulink webview was changed to only show H1 models.

the old h2susauxb478 will not be powered back up and will not be part of the H1 system.

The ITMY optical lever which was temporarily connected to h2susb478 needs to be cabled to the H1 EE room.