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Reports until 21:29, Monday 07 January 2019
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:29, Monday 07 January 2019 (46277)
ISS Second Loop, beam path pictures from 12/20

These were taken after the PZT mount swap, and show on the 2" mirror that the beam is high and to the right.  The ISS Second Loop QPD has been reading around 0.8-0.9 and with there being some light on the right side of the 1" lens, it seems possible that there's clipping in this path at the time of the pictures, and possibly up to today.  I did trend the sum of the Second Loop 1-4 DC sensors, and after the PZT swap, the sum of the firsgt 4 DC PDs dropped by 1/3, for a 20W lock, which also suggests clipping.  Work on the alignment of the beam to the ISS Second Loop may have happened today, or may be planned for tomorrow+.

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