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Reports until 16:55, Wednesday 07 November 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:55, Wednesday 07 November 2012 (4629)
ITMy Reaction Chain Not Damping - SOS

While the Main chain damps, we can't engage the reaction chain damping.  We've carefully poured over settings to see if there is a sign, filter, or gain setting incorrect but all looks well.  Example Symptom: When engaging Transverse (only uses SIDE BOSEM), we see no ring up or down.  When flipping the sign on the damping we see a large ring up.  This indicates the SIDE magnet polarity is correct.  More forensics tomorrow morning, but I'm hoping to solicit Richard to help me see actuation out on the floor...


I've also re-checked that there is no rubbing on this chain, and that it appears to be floating freely when pushed.

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