E. Goetz, J. Kissel Continuing progress after yesterday's win in producing time-dependent correction factors LHO aLOG 46328, today I tackled item (1): Evan, Lilli, and Shivaraj have put in a lot of good work exposing and fixing residual problems with the python suite of code now used to create the DARM model ("pyDARM") when it comes to getting signs right; see G1900019. As such we now believe we have it all right. Thus, I've now - updated the pyDARM suite, /ligo/svncommon/CalSVN/aligocalibration/trunk/Common/pyDARM/src/ actuation.py sensing.py computeDARM.py - regenerated and installed the epics records that report the DARM loop model at the calibration line frequencies for use in calculation the time dependent correction factors, using zotws10:/ligo/svncommon/CalSVN/aligocalibration/trunk/Runs/O3/H1/Scripts/CALCS_FE$ python3.5 createEPICS_for_20181205.py -w The only changes are in signs -- no magnitude change (see item (3) below). The magnitudes remain the same as they were for ER13. The record of these new results can be found in /ligo/svncommon/CalSVN/aligocalibration/trunk/Runs/O3/H1/Results/CALCS_FE epicsrecords_model-H1_20181205_created-20190110.txt for use elsewhere. Still to do: (2) The gating system (which smoothes out the TDCF for application to DELTAL_EXTERNAL) and override system (which allows us to bypass non-functional parts) don't yet have all settings turned ON in such a way that the relative actuator strength changes -- a.k.a. kappa_UIM, kappa_PUM, and kappa_TST -- are spitting out live values. In this brief moment in time where the optical plant parameters were working, all of the actuator kappas were bypassed and spitting out +1.0. (3) As mentioned above we're still using a pre-ER13 measurement to determine the DARM loop reference model, which in turn determines the EPICs records, which determine the calculated TDCFs. The actuator measurements were quick and dirty. The IFO was still at 20 watts. Thus -- when I see that the corrective gains, the kappas for both actuator and optical plant, have magnitudes at the 10-30% level, I'm not yet sad. Now that we're electing to stick at 30W input for a while, while we hunt for noise, we should re-take -- or in some cases take for the first time -- quality measurements that will get the system to levels needed for ER14 / O3.