Reports until 17:42, Monday 10 January 2011
H2 General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:42, Monday 10 January 2011 (464)
Monday Ops Log
- Interwest Communications (?) comes to assist in running single-mode fiber optic line from OSB MSR to LSB LDAS.
- Oscar finishes baling tumbleweeds at ~13:20.
- Bolts loosened on BSC7
- Cleaning around BSC7 and HAM12
- Cryopump 1 is constantly alarming.  Kyle reports that it may be due to a crow chewing on a valve and subsequent freezing of the part.  Cryopump alarms are serious!  Whereas some Ion Pump alarms may be ignored during pumping, Cryopump alarms are always serious and should be reported immediately, to Kyle.
- One of the LVEA Zone 5 thermostats was malfunctioning, as it was reporting that the temperature jumped to >250 degrees F.  This was also confusing the HVAC servos.  Ski investigated and fixed the problem.