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Reports until 17:01, Thursday 08 November 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:01, Thursday 08 November 2012 (4645)
MC3 installed in chamber with the HAM install arm

With Giacomo and Paul, we installed the MC3 suspension into HAM2 this morning.  The arm was able to reach the desired placement on the table easily, despite reports of skepticism.  After lunch we removed the cookie cutters and finished placing all of the dog clamps on MC3 and MC1.  There is one outstanding dog clamp due to a missing helicoil in it's spacer (to do tomorrow).  We then plugged in 6 of the 7 OSEM cables for MC3/MC1, placed the table cable brackets as per the layout dwgs, and stowed the loose cable coils.  Note, the SRS cables were a bit tight in the PEEK connectors down on stage 0 (?) of the ISI and I could not pull through any slack so I had to loosen all of them for MC3 in order fo the tablce cable bracket to make it to the appropriate spot on the table***.  Filiberto came out and connected all of the external cables from the feedthru to the satellite boxes, however after he left we noticed that the internal cable connections from the SRS cables are on the flange 180 deg out on the chamber.  Doh!  So, either the external lacing is on the wrong feedthu port, or the internal SRSes are - I have not checked.  Hopefully a quick fix tomorrow such that I can suspend and damp. 

***SEI - please see that I have not made any of the jumping segments too tight and shorted the stack.

I'm also planning to remove the FC tomorrow such that flashing of the MC can commence asap (and while I'm at LLo next week).

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