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Reports until 13:08, Wednesday 16 January 2019
H1 CAL (DetChar, ISC)
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:08, Wednesday 16 January 2019 (46472)
PCALY Calibration Bug Fix
S. Karki, J. Kissel, R. Savage

After hitting nominal low noise this afternoon, I noticed that PCALY RX PD was not lining up well with CAL-DELTAL_EXTERNAL on the wall FOM -- the PCAL was over estimating it's "meters" by a factor of ~1.4 (we know it was a PCAL flaw because nothing had changed in the DARM loop, nor in the DELTAL_EXTERNAL calibration). 

Rick, Sudarshan, and I quickly found an honest mistake in their implementation of the newly "exploded view" of the calculation of the Newtons / RXPD Volt (implemented yesterday LHO aLOG 46449) -- namely, one component of the calculation, the ratio between the working standard and each EY RX and TX PDs, were flip-flopped (channels H1:CAL-PCALY_FORCE_COEFF_ALPHA_R and H1:CAL-PCALY_FORCE_COEFF_ALPHA_T).

Finding the mistake, they updated the list of EPICs records, (and changed the content of the attachment in LHO aLOG 46449 without changing the name), so I've copied it to Cal repo, so now lives (and committed) here:
which has been run, installed, and accepted into both the SAFE.snap and OBSERVE.snap files for h1caley.

We're back in nominal low noise, and the PCAL RX PD lines now line up well with DELTAL_EXTERNAL. Problem fixed.

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