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Reports until 23:13, Tuesday 15 January 2019
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:13, Tuesday 15 January 2019 - last comment - 19:25, Wednesday 16 January 2019(46444)
9MHz sideband causing DARM noise, clues for 90 Hz peak

Summary: BRUCO gave us a few interesting clues about our current noise, including a broadband contribution to the DARM noise that seems to couple through the 9 MHz sideband. 

We had 20 minutes of glitch free data from 1231532246 to 1231533411.  This was before Georgia and Danny fixed the ISS second loop clipping 46412, which improved the noise from 27-15 Hz and around 350-400 Hz. Gabriele and Joe Areda managed to run BRUCO (and update the code to deal with some other updates), a report is here: https://ldas-jobs.ligo.caltech.edu/~gabriele.vajente/bruco_lho_1231532246/

Some interesting features (other than the ISS coherence)

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jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - 11:11, Wednesday 16 January 2019 (46467)

Sheila just engaged a second stage of whitening for the OMC QPDs, so hopefully that will address the coherence there.  We can't just add DC gain, at least until the 45 MHz modulation depth is reduced, otherwise we'll saturate the diodes.

sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 19:25, Wednesday 16 January 2019 (46490)

Our nominal powers on the EOM driver right now are 20dBm for 9 MHz, and 23.6 dBm for the 45 MHz.  (Those were the driver powers before we started changing things last night). 

By looking at the DC power on the OMC QPDs while we were changing the modulation depths last night we can find the relative powers in (carrier+118), 9 MHz and 45 MHz.  

  carrier 45 MHz power 9 MHz power
OMC QPD A 23% 67% 9.7%
OMC QPD B 19% 74% 7.4%

The attached spectrum comparison shows that the noise on the OMC QPD didn't increase in when the 9 MHz modulation depth was increased.  This means that the 9MHz amplitude noise is not the dominant noise in the OMC QPD, so we can't make that assumption to make a projection of the 9MHz amplitude noise into DARM. 

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