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Reports until 14:06, Friday 18 January 2019
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:06, Friday 18 January 2019 - last comment - 16:37, Friday 18 January 2019(46530)
Location of Sensing Function Sweeps for Calibration
J. Kissel

We've had a really tough time keeping the IFO locked over the past week, which has made taking full interferometer calibration measurements difficult. In anticipation / hope that things might get better over the long weekend, here're the location of pre-tuned sensing function sweeps in case anyone gets a good lock stretch:

To run:
(0) Make sure the IFO has thermalized, letting things settle for ~30 minutes after powering up. The measurements MUST be run in the same, well-thermalized lock stretch.
(1) Request NLN_CAL_MEAS from the ISC_LOCK guardian state (this turns off all calibration lines).
(2) Run each sweep in series; run the PCAL sweep first b/c it's quicker. (You can "cheat" a bit if you're impatient -- when the PCAL gets past ~10 Hz, you can start the DARM OLGTF)
(3) Save the templates with a new date, YYYY-MM-DD but in the same folder.
(4) Request NOMINAL_LOW_NOISE, which will turn the calibration lines back on.

As is indicated by the file names, both measurements together should take about 20 minutes.
Comments related to this report
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 16:37, Friday 18 January 2019 (46537)

The sweeps are done and saved with the 18th as the date (19th UTC time).

If the pcal sweep is correct, we are underestimating our range which is what we have been suspecting.

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