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Reports until 16:30, Friday 09 November 2012
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:30, Friday 09 November 2012 (4660)
BSC1 ITMy Cartridge Alignment
IAS: D. Cook, J. Oberling
SUS: B. Bland
Well, what was supposed to be a simple tweak turned into a day-long adjustment.  As Betsy wrote below, a magnet replacement block turned a simple pitch tweak into a whole day of iterative pitch/yaw adjustments.  The pitch and yaw of the ITMy were finally adjusted to the following values (yaw is reported assuming a top-down view):

We will set the gap/parallelism between the ITMy and CPy first thing Monday morning.  This will require a brief switch to Laser Hazard for the parallelism measurement (or measurements, depending on whether or not adjustment is required).  We will also take a look at the CPy roll and adjust as required.  The shield was placed over the front face of the quad and the cover pulled down for the weekend; damping was left OFF for both chains.

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